Videos Sexto Coloquio Anual




Lascano, C., Castillo D., Laínez A., Saenz C., Service quality hospital emergency Ecuadorian Social Security Institute ancón, period January to July 2014. ECORFAN Colloquium, 2015.CL-6: 09:07 min.

Laínez A., Gonzales, V., Solorzano V., Olives J., Strategic Plan: Work / Occupational Training young people of the Commune Valdivia. ECORFAN Colloquium, 2015.CL-6: 13:36 min.

Núñez L., Lovato S., Solórzano V., Olives J., Corporate Social Responsibility in the fishing industry in the province of Santa Elena, 2013. ECORFAN Colloquium, 2015.CL-6: 09:54 min.

Mera, M., Olives, J., Solorzano, V., Saenz, C. The planning process; key instrument in the territory relationship – been. ECORFAN Colloquium, 2015.CL-6: 09:27 min.

Cochea, C., Panchana M., Solorzano V., Olives J., The advance income tax wing of legal entities and their impact on the heritage. ECORFAN Colloquium, 2015.CL-6: 10:13 min.