About Us



ECORFAN® is a Company of Science and Technology Divulgation in contribution to the formation of Human Resources to the continuity in the Critical Analysis of International Research, we are to RENIECYT-CONACYT 1702902 and integrated into the National System of Researchers-SNI-in levels I-II and III in the areas of physical mathematics and Earth Sciences-biology and chemistry-medicine and Health Sciences-Humanities and behavioral Sciences-Social Sciences-Biotechnology and Agricultural sciences and engineering.





To promote the development, linking and dissemination of scientific research resulting from basic and applied research, technological development of quality and innovation, associated with the updating and improvement of the quality of education and the expansion of Frontiers of knowledge based on new information technologies. As well as turning science, technology and innovation into fundamental elements of the general culture of society and establishing and regulating policies in the field of promotion of scientific and technological research and innovation in Mexico and abroad, as well as its dissemination And use in productive processes, for the benefit of the public, social and private sectors. Establish the instances and instruments through which the Executive Power of the state and municipalities will support scientific research, technological development and innovation in Mexico and abroad. Establish the basis for regulating public and private resources to promote, promote, strengthen, develop and support scientific research, technological development and innovation. Strengthen the State's Science, Technology and Innovation System, as well as the training, promotion and training of high-level human resources.





In ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. we developed a knowledge economy:


· Human resources: It is essential for the creation, acquisition, dissemination and effective use of knowledge.


· Effective innovation system: Public and private development of research and development, resulting in new products or goods, new processes and new knowledge.


· Adequate information and communications infrastructure: These are the installed capacities that enable the development of innovative, scientific and technological activities.


· Economic and institutional driver of knowledge: refers to the network of institutions rules and procedures that influence how ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. acquires, creates, disseminates and uses information.






There is ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. conviction that investment in science and technology is a key tool for accessing a knowledge-based welfare economy. In this knowledge economy, productive activities are based on the creation of goods and services with high added value. This assumption is behind Science, Technology and Innovation in Mexico and abroad.





Carry out activities related to research, teaching and training human resources committed to the development and support of scientific and technological enterprises as a means of support for scientific research, technological development and innovation in Mexico and abroad.


The development, updating and implementation of plans and programs, research areas in different categories of training programs of high-level human resources engaged in scientific and technological development in Mexico to undergraduate, specialization, master's, doctorate and postdoctorate; as well as basic science, applied, humanities and social for bachelors, masters and doctoral that support the welfare of fellows of the national council of science and technology and those belonging to the National System of Researchers, foreign visitors to Mexico in programs and in the outside the deputy ministries, councils and ministries of science and technology respectively, as well as who integrate the program for professional development of teachers for the higher rate of the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico.


Promote the development, bonding and dissemination of scientific research arising from the conduct of basic and applied research, technological development of quality and innovation, associated with updating and improving the quality of education and expanding the frontiers of knowledge based on new information technologies and in this case, through the use of open access platforms; turning them into key elements of the general culture of society and establish and control the policies on promotion of scientific research, technology and innovation in Mexico and abroad, the dissemination and use in production processes for the benefit of the public, social and private sectors. Establish the basis for regulating public and private resources that are granted to encourage, stimulate, strengthen, develop and support scientific research, the system of science, technological development and innovation State, as well as training, promotion and development of human resources of high academic standards.


The projects of multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, collaboration agreements signed or links with institutions of higher education, or scientific or technological research.


The comprehensive advice on intellectual property, implementation of procedures and training of human capital for research in academy and copyright.


The publication, periodicals publications, process of editing and continuity of publication, regardless of sponsorship received for the same, application processes for the first time; editing, publishing and distribution of e-books online and on CD to strengthen public and private, national and foreign institutions in their respective academic events; the implementation of institutional web pages, creating repositories of bibliometric citations, platforms for academic events to conduct research arbitration in Spanish and English, attendee registration and certification of documents assistance exercise publication and respective records, safeguarding in all around protection of copyright.


Editing and layout of barcodes and QR codes with electronic, print and digital readers and print and digital publication and distribution of Handbooks series, Proceedings, Journals, Software and books in Spanish and English to promote the use of intellectual property; and the creation of legal headbands for dissemination of scientific and technological work, writing journals, wages and acts of scientific research and dissemination; programs and calls for science and technology in Mexico and abroad for collaboration of national and international academic corps.


Form networks of national and international research performing procedures or in its case any advisory or consulting services on the subject of network problems to the attention of emergency in the country.


Servicing of technical training and continuing education on the subject of network organizing events with different sectors of society such as meetings, exhibitions, events, provide strategic advice projects of technological development and innovation, noting the evidence of trade and international agreements in its portfolio of projects, with joint institutions and researchers from abroad and implementing proposals for the establishment of educational programs with abroad in agreement.


The comprehensive advice on industrial property, implementation of procedures and training of human capital for academy and research: trademarks, patents, industrial designs, inventions, utility models and layout designs of integrated circuits, development of marketing strategies of technology, protection and classification of industrial property, trademarks, trade names and advertisements and the administrative procedure for registration, collective marks and appellations of origin, well-known trademarks and combating piracy, international classification of logos, transfer of rights finder and national brands.


Providing all kinds of advisory, consulting or occupational related to advertising means of science and technology to be played in the realization of products of publicity, advertising, media, visual image, photograph, whether print, verbal, radio, television or any other media; provision of technical advisory services, consulting and professional management in the fields of science, technology and innovation, pre-feasibility studies, feasibility studies, profiles, diagnostics, project evaluations, vision, master plans, covering all specialties to the sector public and private; training and updating of specialized inside and outside the country to optimize the services provided by the company for the purposes stated above.


Participation in tutorials committees of students in the program and other national and international institutions as evaluators of national and international projects in scientific societies or professional associations and postdoctoral.


Technological and educational implementation of software registration services in the Ministry of Education, developing repositories by dating thematic area, creation of academic google-profile appointments in Mendeley profiling, profiling in Researchgate, profiling in Academia, DOIs, Elsevier and Latindex, repositories in Munich for dissemination of basic or applied research.


Management, advice and generally performing any procedures with the relevant authorities to the printing, publishing and distribution of all kinds of books, journals, newspapers, seminars, brochures, booklets, journals, articles, notes and general media permitted by the laws relating to the press and the insertion of advertisements in them. Printing by any means of books, commercial, scientific, technical, educational, social, entertainment journals, sports, tourism, political, medical, health, specialist, media print, institutional and organizational, newspapers, yearbooks, reports, weekly, brochures and everything related to science and technology; and the dissemination of photographic catalogs contribute to the development of science and technology.


Sponsor, conduct, finance, receive, impart and generally intervene in all kinds of courses and lectures, symposiums, seminars, conferences, debates, courses, specialties, workshops, forums, seminars or other similar that are necessary or advisable for the proper performance the corporate purpose. Being the owner, licensor or licensee, register, acquire, possess, use and transmit all kinds of concessions, licenses, franchises, patents, inventions, trademarks, copyrights and trademarks, as well as receive subsidies or grants and incentives of any nature directly or indirectly contribute to the realization of social activities.


In general without any speculation performing the corporate purpose, to celebrate all kinds of acts, operations, agreements, contracts or securities which are necessary or appropriate for achieving the corporate purpose, with individuals or companies, authorities of federal character, state or local, decentralized public corps and state-owned enterprises.



Etichs Code



All decisions and actions of ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. should be directed to the satisfaction of the needs and interests of the Academy, over and above private interests unrelated to the welfare of society. ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. should not allow them to influence their judgments and conduct, interests that may harm or benefit individuals or groups to the detriment of the welfare of society. ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. must act with honesty, always attending to the truth. Conducted in this way, ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. will promote the credibility of society in public and private institutions to help generate a culture of trust and attachment to the truth. Assume fully the responsibility of society to perform its functions adequately and subject to the evaluation of society itself. This forces it to perform its functions with efficiency and quality, as well as to count on the permanent disposition to develop processes of continuous improvement, modernization and optimization of resources. ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. will act without granting undue preferences or privileges to any organization or person. Their commitment is to make decisions and exercise their functions objectively, without personal bias and without allowing the undue influence of other people. It must be conducted with a sensitive and supportive attitude, respect and support towards the society with whom it interacts. This behavior should be offered with special attention to those people or social groups who lack sufficient elements to achieve their integral development and those who have less.


Conduct Code



To know, comply and carry out action plans with responsibility and in compliance with the laws and regulations that regulate my functions as a team at ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. Encourage compliance with regulations in all my acts. Communicate to the competent authorities any irregularity, acts of corruption or omissions contrary to the law. To fulfill my functions in accordance with the principles of legality, honesty, loyalty, impartiality and efficiency. Use ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. goods, services and programs for personal, partisan, electoral or other purposes. Responsibly use the information under my responsibility. I refrain from using, sharing, altering and hiding information that impairs the functions of ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. or in order to unduly favor or prejudice a third party. Use the human, financial, material and computer resources assigned, in a responsible manner and in accordance with the regulations to contribute to accountability and the common good. Refrain from subtracting or plagiarising goods, services and programs contracted by ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. for personal purposes. Equally attending the academy, regardless of gender, age, race, creed, religion, political preference, sex, marital status, language, ideology, sexual preference, skin color, work or profession, physical appearance, disability or Health, socioeconomic status or educational level. Refrain from engaging in situations that could represent a conflict between my personal interests and the interests of ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. I should not accept gifts or encouragement of any kind that purport to influence my decisions as an ECORFAN-Mexico, S.C. team. Foster a cordial, harmonious and organized work environment, within a framework of respect, communication and openness with other areas. Conduct my actions with dignity and respect towards myself and my colleagues, promoting fairness, tolerance and friendly and cordial treatment regardless of gender, special abilities, age, religion, sexual preferences or hierarchical level.


Holdings ECORFAN



We are a group of national and international researchers, academics, professors, designers, editors, universities and students of the Public and Private sector, we have as common finality the Divulgation of the Science in the levels of Degree, Specialty, Mastery, Doctorate, Post Doctorate, and in the National System of Researches and scholars by the National Program of Postgrad of Quality in the Country and the rest of the world.


We have the next Holdings:


244 Street Itzopan, C55120. Mexico State -México
21 Street Santa Lucía, C5220. Libertadores -Sucre -Bolivia
38 Street Matacerquillas, C28411. Moralzarzal –Madrid-Spain
18 Marcial Romero avenida, C241550. Salinas l - Santa Elena-Ecuador
6593 Street Kinshasa 31 – Southwest Republique Démocratique du Congo
Av, San Sebastian – León-Nicaragua
Boulevard de la Liberté, Immeuble Kassap. C5963-, Akwa- Douala-Cameroon
43 # 30 -90 B Street. El Triunfo, C50001. Bogotá- Colombia
San Quentin Av, R 1-17 Miralvalle - San Salvador-El Salvador
16 Kilometro, American Autopista, House Terra Alta, D7 Mixco Zona 1-Guatemala
105 Alberdi Rivarola Captain, C2060-Luque City- Paraguay
1047 La Raza Avenida-Santa Ana, Cusco-Peru
69 Street YongHe district, ZhongXin Postcode C23445, Taipei- Taiwan


Certifications ECORFAN



    03-2010-032610094200-01 Printed material
    03-2010-031613323600-01 Electronic material
    03-2010-032610105200-01 Photographic material
    03-2010-032610115700-14 Compilation
    04-2010-031613323600-01 Web Page
    19502 Iberoamerican and Caribbean Indexation
    20-281 HB9 Indexation in Latin-American Quotations in Social Sciences and Humanities
    671 Indexing in Electronic Scientific Journals Spanish and Latin-America
    7045008 Divulgation and edition in the Ministry of Education and Culture-Spain
    25409 Repository in the Biblioteca Universitaria-Madrid
    16258 Indexing in the Fundación Dialnet-Universidad de la Rioja
    20589-25976-25979-25974 Indexing in the edited Journals in the countries of Iberian-America and the Caribbean
    Bolivia-Spain-Ecuador-El Salvador-México-Guatemala-Nicaragua-Paraguay-Peru
    15048 International registration of International Conferences
    2007-1582 International index in the Printed Format
    2007-3682 International index in Electronic format
    6161 ESCI - Index of Sources of Emerging Sources -Thomson Reuters
    2444-3204 Publication in Spain
    2414-4886 International index in Electronic format
    2414-4819 Publication - El Salvador
    2414-4827 Publication - Paraguay
    2414-4924 Publication - The Democratic Republic of the Congo
    2414-4959 Publication - Cameroon
    2414-8830 Publication - Nicaragua
    2414-8849 Publication - Guatemala
    1390-9959 Publication - Ecuador
    2410-4191 Publication - Bolivia
    2539-1372 Publication - Colombia
    2524-2121 Publication - Taiwan




ECORFAN Conferences



    • UNIVERSIDAD DE LA PENINSULA DE SANTA ELENA. Central Auditorium of the Faculty of Economics, Central Campus, located in Avda. Principal La Libertad - Santa Elena, Ecuador. 25, 26, 27 October 2017
    • UNIVERSIDAD SAN ANTONIO ABAD. Central Auditorium of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Central Campus, located in Av. De La Cultura 773, Cusco 08000, Peru, 19,20 October 2017
    • UNIVERSIDAD SAN FRANCISCO XAVIER DE CHUQUISACA. International Convention Center. La Glorieta located road to the Potosí City, Sucre Bolivia, 05-06 October 2017
    • UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA. Campus Mexico City, located in Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 880, Lomas de Santa Fe, Mexico. November 22, 2016
    • Central Auditorium. UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS, located in Tulip Street, s / n, 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain. November 16, 2015.
    • UNIVERSIDAD TÉCNICA DE BABAHOYO, Located in Av Universitaria, Babahoyo, Ecuador. April 13, 2015.
    • The Paraninfo Universidad. UNIVERSIDAD DE SAN FRANCISCO XAVIER DE CHUQUISACA. Campus Sucre, located in Calle Junin, corner with Estudiantes, Bolivia. 2,3,4 and 5 of July 2014.
    • Central Auditorium of the Faculty of Social Sciences. UNIVERSIDAD ESTATAL DE LA PENINSULA DE SANTA ELENA Campus Santa Elena, located in Avenida Principal Libertad, Ecuador. 23 and 24 of January 2014.
    • Central Auditorium of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA Campus Bogotá, located in Carrera 30 # 45-03, Colombia. 16th and 17th of May 2013.
    • San Ignacio de Noyola Auditorium of the UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA. Campus Mexico City, located in Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 880, Lomas de Santa Fe, Mexico. 30th of November 2012.
    • Hall of Degrees of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. UNIVERSIDAD DE SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA Campus Norte, located in Rua Burgo de las Naciones S / N, 15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. May 28, 2012.
    • The XAVIER SHEIFLER Auditorium. Building "S" of the UNIVERSIDAD IBEROAMERICANA. Campus Mexico City, located in Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma 880, Lomas de Santa Fe, Mexico. November 22, 2011
    • Central Auditorium of the ESCUELA COMERCIAL CÁMARA DE COMERCIO. Campus Jalapa, located in Jalapa 147, Col. Roma, Del Cuauhtémoc. May 13, 2011
    • Blue Room of the UNIVERSIDAD DE LONDRES, located in Plaza Luis Cabrera 9, Col. Roma Sur, Delegation Cuauhtémoc. December 17th, 2010
    • Central Auditorium of UNIVERSIDAD LATINA S.C, Campus Centro, located in Chihuahua 202, Col.Roma, Del Cuauhtémoc. April 24, 2010
    • Hall of Mirrors of the UNIVERSIDAD OF LONDON, located in Orizaba 189, Col. Roma Sur, Cuauhtémoc Delegation. November 24, 2009


Academic benefits



    • International Scientific publishing
    • Publication in Actas- Exclusive use for CONACYT-SEP-ANUIES Research Networks
    • Obtainment of Certify investigation with RNA, ISSN and ISBN
    • Support the dissemination of National and International Networks and implement their databases
    • Publication in Handbooks - Exclusive use for Publishing in the interior of Mexico
    • Support the disclosure with colleagues assigned to the SNI- Mexico
    • Publication in Books-This section describes the publication options for students in postgraduate programs (Master's Dissertation Doctoral Thesis).
    • Divulgation of the science and technology in your Academy.
    • Publication in Proceedings - Exclusive use for SEP Academic Corps
    • Recognition of index papers to JEL and DENWEY codes
    • Support the dissemination of the Academic Corps in their respective and multidisciplinary consolidation levels
    • High the scientific production of your Academy
    • Series Publication - Exclusive use for Co-Publishing with outside Mexico
    • Support the disclosure with colleagues assigned to Vice-Ministries of Science and Technology outside of Mexico
    • Software Registration Services in the SEP