Modular technological capabilities in the furniture industry.
Carcass characteristics, proximate composition and mineral analysis of African giant snail (Archachantina marginata).
Size asymmetries in equine upper molar series
Comparison of European and Asian valuation of options with underlying average and stochastic interest rate by Monte Carlo simulation
Asymptotic and finite-sample properties of a new simple estimator of cointegrating regressions under near cointegration
Business strategy in Mexican beer industry: a case applying game theory
User satisfaction through "plural-comprehensive" primary health model
Sensivity of seasonality effects on mean and conditional volatility to error distributional assumptions: evidence from French stock market
Social, technology and public education protection: Promoter factors of the Latin American economic development. Empiric evidence from models of autoregressive.
Fractal concatenation applied to the interpolation of the price in the London Stock Exchange.