ECORFAN Journal - Volumen 15 Número 32


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in two micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (msmes) in Chihuahua, Mexico
Ontiveros-Gómez, Samantha, Ortega-Montes, Fabiola Iveth, Sánchez-Bernal, Jorge Alberto and Rubio-Arias, Héctor Osbaldo


Analysis of the impact of ICT by socioeconomic level
Jiménez-García, Martha, Caamal-Olvera, Cinthya Guadalupe, Gómez-Miranda, Pilar and Jiménez-Jiménez, Rosa Sara


Technology in the classroom: Exploring the student experience with ChatGPT in the educational process
Eliseo-Dantés, Hortensia, García-Reyes, David Antonio, Castro-De la Cruz, Jucelly and López-Valdivieso, Leticia


Administrative Audit of the Subdirectorate of Planning and Liaison of a Higher Education Institution of the State of Veracruz
Balderrabano-Briones, Jazmín, Martínez-Gutiérrez, Rodolfo, and Utrera-Velez, Youssef


Rural communities as organizations where human aspects contribute to the preservation of traditional knowledges
Rivera-González, Gibrán, Ángeles-Tovar, Luis Canek, Escamilla-García, Pablo Emilio and Rivera-González, Ángel Eustorgio


The importance of the use of technology for life care in communities of Mexico
Flores-Azcanio, Nancy P. & García-Hernández, Alitzel B.

