Individual investor’s characteristic and risk-taking in stock market.
SHAHMANSURI, Esfandyar, RAHNAMAY, Fereydon, NIKOUMARAM, Hashem and VAKILIFARD, Hamidreza
Islamic Azad University
The Motivations of women entrepreneurs, in the municipality of León, Nicaragua.
AMADOR-RUIZ, Justa Pastora & BRIONES-PEÑALVER, Antonio Juan
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua Leon / Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Linkage of the Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo in the social entrepreneurship in
the rural sector of the canton Baba of Ecuador.
VERA-MÁRQUEZ, Carlota, NIVELA-ICAZA, José María, GAMBOA-POVEDA, Jinsop Elías and ONOFRE-ZAPATA, Ronny Fernando´
Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo / Universidad Estatal de Milagro
Market timing strategies and excess return in Tehran stock exchange.
MEHRANI, Kiarash, JAVAD, Mohammad and KHANGHA, Fereyal
Islamic Azad University / Shahed University