Booklets: International Interdisciplinary Congress on Renewable Energies, Industrial Maintenance Mechatronics and Informatics



Area III-Medicine and Health Sciences

Per-Q as an intervention project in virtual education for virtual learning environments
Martínez-González, Fernando Eduardo, Macías-Brambila, Hassem Rubén, Rodríguez-Jiménez, Liza Mayela and López-Laguna, Ana Berthad



Use of Kahoot, Quizizz and Educaplay as formative assessment for student learning in elementary school
Domínguez-Gutú, Jesús, Trejo-Trejo, Gilberto Abelino, Gordillo-Espinoza, Emmanuel and Constantino-González, Fernando Exiquio



Management of relationships with Stakeholders in Chemical Engineering of the UACQ of the UAZ
Conejo-Flores, Ricardo, García-González, Juan Manuel, Carrera-Arellano, Ethson Uriel and Villegas-Martínez, Rodrigo Cervando



Developing 21st century skills: A proposal for a didactic sequence with a STEAM approach and active methodologies for basic education students in the Mexican Southeast
Trejo-Trejo, Gilberto Abelino, Domínguez-Gutú, Jesús, Gordillo-Espinoza, Emmanuel and Constantino-González, Fernando Exiquio



About the validation of a questionnaire on behavioral addiction to the internet and its relationship with the student population
"Ortiz-Ojeda, Pedro Tomás, Ortiz-Sánchez, Pedro Alfonso Guadalupe, Sánchez-Iturbe, Patricia Guadalupe and Basave-Torres, Rosy Ilda"



Innovation in chemical engineering education with augmented reality
Lemus-Hernández, Julio César, Moreno-Beltrán, Reyna and Olivo-García, Edith



Factors influencing career choice in students entering administrative profile careers at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior Zacatecas Norte
Limones-Casio, Joel



Study of the organizational behavior of the sales force in a medium-sized company in Jalpan de Serra
Pedraza-Huerta, Lourdes, Morado-Huerta, María Guadalupe, Márquez-Gónzales, Olga and Valente, verónica



Hunger relief, Economic Feasibility to Establish a Healthy, Sustainable and Community Kitchen
Peña-Montes de Oca, Adriana Isela, Pérez-Nuño, Maricela and Robles-Rarcia, Francisco J.



Supported Learning in STEAM and PBL Methodology; Using 3D CAD Software for the Mechanical Design of Sumo Robot
Peña-Montes de Oca, Adriana Isela, Gallardo de la Rocha, Alfonso and Hernández-Hernández, Adriana Janette



Proposal for student entry profile into software projects under the ISO/IEC 29110 standard
Arredondo-Salcedo, Daniel, Salas-Guzmán, Manuel Ignacio and García-Molina, Yolanda Meredith



Correlational study between learning styles and study habits in Computer Systems Engineering students
Mireles-Medina, Antonia, Molina-Wong, Ma. Del Refugio and Arredondo-Salcedo, Daniel



Designers' interpretations in the creation of digital ephemera on social media platforms using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) method
Izabal-Bailón, Astrid Carolina, Salinas-Gutiérrez, Isabel, Torres-de León, Gloria Azucena and Caraveo-Mena, Camilo



Social media analysis in digital campaigns: #I stop the CYBERBULLYING
Urbina-Nájera, Argeli B., Martínez-Miron, Erika A., Juárez-Gutiérrez, Rossana Enith and Sánchez-Román, Guillermina



Intertwined modernities: the figure of the witch in the comic Rumbo a las Ánimas (2021)
Castelli-Olvera, Sarahi Isuki and Castelli-Olvera, Azul Kikey



Review of learning theories applied to physics subject at university level
Beltran-Zhizhko, Gali Aleksandra, Garcia-Arambula, Cintia Germania, Zhizhko, Elena Anatolievna and Guerrero-Rodriguez, Rebeca



Intellectual biography of Latin American academics II
Arteaga-Castillo, Belinda, Santillán-Nieto, Marcela, Alvarado-Sánchez, Martina and Vélez-Castillo, Raquel de Jesús



Exploring the Kawaii Phenomenon: A Study for Its Classification
Martinez-Ramirez, Frida Paola, Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Susana, Landeros-Lorenzana, Karina Hildelisa and Hernandez-Torres, Ervey Leonel