Handbooks | CIERMMI Women in Science Research and social entrepreneurship
Tomo 1
Social media analysis in digital campaigns: #Istop #cyberbullying
Urbina-Nájera, Argelia Berenice, Martínez-Mirón, Erika Annabel, Juárez-Gutiérrez, Rossana Enith and Sánchez-Román, Guillermina


Intertwined modernities: the figure of the witch in the comic Rumbo a las Ánimas (2021)
Castelli-Olvera, Sarahi Isuki & Castelli-Olvera, Azul Kikey


Review of learning theories applied to physics subject at university level
Beltran-Zhizhko, Gali Aleksandra, Garcia-Arambula, Cintia Germania, Zhizhko, Elena Anatolievna and Guerrero-Rodríguez, Rebeca


Intellectual biography of Latin American academics II
Arteaga-Castillo, Belinda, Santillán-Nieto, Marcela, Alvarado-Sánchez, Martina and Vélez-Castillo, Raquel de Jesús


Exploring the Kawaii Phenomenon: A study for its classification
Martínez-Ramírez, Frida Paola, Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, Susana, Landeros-Lorenzana, Karina Hildelisa and Hernández-Torres, Ervey Leonel


Design of an optional course for the training of educators in Zacatecan Normal Schools
Alvarado-Sánchez, Martina


The challenge of entrepreneurs facing corporate social responsibility in the southern zone of Tamaulipas
González-Duran, Nora Hilda, Guzmán-García, Juan Carlos and Guzmán-Obando, Javier


Strategic management in the development of MSMEs in the municipality of Progreso from Obregón, Hidalgo
Trejo-Encarnación, Patricia, Hernández-Gómez, Diana Aguilar-Reyna, Verónica and Bartolo-De La Cruz, Marisol


Validation, reliability and application of a survey to identify the accommodation needs of small and medium miscellaneous
Aguilar-Aguilar, Verónica & Hernández-González, Salvador


Cluster composition and regional resilience: The case of the U.S. in the Great Recession
Zárate-Mirón, Viviana Elizabeth & Moreno-Serrano, Rosina

