Revista de Tecnología informática
Volumen 8 Número 20 - Junuary–December 2024

Portable equipment and interface to train in CPR based on monitoring the applied force

Seseña, Hiram, Zuñiga, Mariana, Nápoles, Elías and Martínez, Moisés Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


Change management strategies in the implementation of information technologies: comparison between Mexico and Brazil

Lino-Gamiño, Juan Alfredo, Valdez-Barreto, Víctor Hugo, Ríos-Silva, Luis Octavio and Méndez-González, Carlos Universidad de Colima


Implementation of mixed reality technology for the control of physical systems

García-Cervantes, Heraclio, Carrillo-Hernández, Didia and Blanco-Miranda, Alan David Universidad Tecnológica de León


A proposal for an IoT operating system for plug-n-play wireless sensors

Moreno, Paul, Baltazar, Rosario and Casillas, Miguel Ángel Instituto Tecnológico de León


HEC-RAS simulation of scour in circular piers using a sediment transport demonstration channel

Chávez-Cárdenas, Xavier, Gutiérrez-Villalobos, José Marcelino and Moralez-Garibay, María Cristina Universidad de Guanajuato


Web platform for the management and promotion of information about an ethnobiological garden

Morales-Zamora, Vianney, Paredes-Xochihua, María Petra and Sánchez-Juárez, Iván Rafael Tecnológico Nacional de México, Campus San Martín Texmelucan

