Handbooks | Los desafíos empresariales ante los nuevos escenarios económicos
Tomo 1


Chapter 1 State of the art of the financial analysis model through a business simulator to promote the permanence of SMEs AYALA-RÍOS, Irma Amelia, GONZÁLEZ-CRUZ, Saúl and LÓPEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Iván




Chapter 2 A look towards the sustainable development of cities and communities in Mexico PÉREZ-FLORES, Leticia




Chapter 3 Knowledge management as part of competitiveness in the decision making process of collaborators within a commercial company FLORES-RODRÍGUEZ, Elvira Maribel, FRAGOSO-DÍAZ, Socorro and CRUZ-RIVERA, María del Socorro r




Chapter 4 Effective teaching-learning strategies for digital distance education within the bachelor’s degree in Business Administration at TESVB HERNÁNDEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Josefina




Chapter 5 Resilience in the new normality of work in front of home office activities Chapter 5 Resilience in the new normality of work in front of home office activities




Chapter 6 Materiality of transactions and their tax effects FRAGOSO-DÍAZ, Socorro, CRUZ-RIVERA, María del Socorro and FLORES-RODRÍGUEZ, Elvira Maribelr




Chapter 7 Biblical aspects of wealth that should be considered by entrepreneurs GONZÁLEZ-FLORES, Adalberto, SANTOS-GARCÍA, Adrian and GARCÍA-BERNAL, Alan Rodrigo




Chapter 8 Marketing Strategies of the PYMES: Knowledge, attitude and consumer behavior LANGARICA-ROJAS, Carlos Antonio




Chapter 9 Accounting manual for tour operators, based on financial reportings standard ECHAVARRÍA-GUDIÑO, Héctor




Chapter 10 Taxes and their impact on SMEs due to lack of business education CASTRO, Rodrigo, RUÍZ, César and FRANCO, Oscar