Therapeutic Exercise and Postural Education Program in Students of the Polytechnic University of Amozoc with Painful Musculoskeletal Syndromes through the use of digital platforms SORIANO-PORRAS, Dulce María, RANGEL-BARROSO, Aylin Anamar, CLILA-LUNA, Alma Belén and ARELLANO-REYES, Alberto Universidad Politécnica de Amozoc |
Mechatronic System for Knee-Ankle Rehabilitation ESPINOSA-VAZQUEZ, Rogelio, VAZQUEZ-MARTINEZ, Mariana, CHARRE-IBARRA, Saida*†, and GUDIÑO-LAU, Jorge Universidad de Colima |
Musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic risks in the administrative staff of an IES SORIANO-PORRAS, Dulce María, CLILA-LUNA, Alma Belen, GÓMEZ-GARCIA, Paul and DÍAZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Alonso Universidad Interamericana S.A. |
Use of image processing for the detection of Parkinson's disease MORALES-CASTRO, José Carmen, RUIZ-PINALES, José, LOZANO-GARCÍA, José Merced and GUZMÁN-CABRERA, Rafael Universidad de Guanajuato |