Creation of environments and scenarios for learning based on internet habits: a theoretical approach for face-to-face, blended and distance education SIORDIA-MEDINA, Paul Rafael, URIBE-OLIVARES, Nadia Sarahi and GONZÁLEZ-BASILIO, Sofía de Jesús Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit |
Didactic demonstration of 3gdl robot dynamics and partitioned control fortrajectory tracking RAMÍREZ-AGUIRRE, Miguel, ORTIZ-SIMÓN, José Luis, AGUILERAHERNÁNDEZ, Martha and CRUZ-HERNÁNDEZ, NicolásInstituto Tecnológico de Nuevo Laredo |
Educational evaluation of renewable energy projects based on RETScreen software MENDOZA-GONZÁLEZ, Felipe, HERNANDEZ-ESCOBEDO, Quetzalcoatl,VARGAS, Alejandro and CÓRDOVA-ESCOBEDO, Jesús FaustoUniversidad Veracruzana |
LKTs as a means of learning English for specific purposes in a virtual modality FLORES-GONZÁLEZ, NormaBenemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla |