Medical gas monitoring design applying image processing CÓRDOVA-MANZO, Jesús Fausto, CÓRDOVA-ESCOBEDO, Jesús Fausto, MENDOZA-GONZÁLEZ, Felipe and LÓPEZ-LIÉVANO, Adolfo Universidad Veracruzana |
Development of a Peristaltic Pumping System for the Micro Fuel Cells Evaluation (µFC) HERÁNDEZ-FIGUEROA, Rodolfo, GURROLA, Mayra Polett and CRUZ-ARGÜELLO, Julio César Instituto Tecnológico de ChetumalCONACYT |
Proposal for the design and manufacture of a dynamic orthoses prototype for hand rehabilitation MONTIJO-VALENZUELA, Eliel Eduardo Universidad Estatal de Sonora |
Mechanical characterization of tin coatings with biomedical application in elbow prostheses CABRERA-ROSAS, Yazmin, MELO-MÁXIMO, Lizbeth, MELO-MÁXIMO, Dulce Viridiana and ÁVILA-DAVIAL, Erika Osiris Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de TlalnepantlaInstituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey-Campus Estado de México Tecnológico Nacional de México, Instituto Tecnológico de Pachuca |