Journal of Microfinance Planning and Control
Vol. 10 N. 26 - July-December 2024
“ExpoImagina”: a triple helix framework for linking public universities towards social innovation
Carbajal-Mariscal, Oscar & Hernández-Tinoco, Araceli


Design and implementation of a mobile application to disseminate tourist places: case study Santa Rita Tlahuapan
Paredes-Xochihua, Maria Petra, Sánchez-Juárez, Ivan Rafael and Martínez-Pérez, José Randall


The use of cell phones in the development of business activities in rural youths
Bacab-Sanchez, José Rubén, Santos-Valencia, Raúl Alberto, Pereyra-Chan, Andrés Miguel and Ulibarri-Benítez, Hermila Andrea
Tecnológico Nacional de México - Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida


Strategic Alliance Model based on operations management in the MSMEs of the construction industry affiliated to the CMIC in Monclova Coahuila
Ortiz-Ozuna, Mayra Yazmin

