Proposal of a logistics productivity model for a poultry production company in the city of Villahermosa, Tabasco MADRIGAL-ELISEO, José Luis, GARCÍA-REYES, David Antonio, CASTRO-DE LA CRUZ, Jucelly and NOTARIO-PRIEGO, Ezequiel Tecnológico Nacional de México Campus Villahermosa |
Cognitive scaffolding model for project management that integrates the development of academic skills and a sustainable approach GÓMEZ-LEMUS, Teresa de Jesús, PRIETO-USCANGA, Alicia, LÓPEZ-OSTRIA, María Teresa and PRIETO-USCANGA, Margarita Tecnológico Nacional de México - Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro |
Health and New Organizational Synergy to improve the quality of life of human capital in the Security Company in the city of Leon, Gto. RIVERA-CISNEROS, Miguel Ángel & PÉREZ- FLORES, Angélica Josefina Universidad Tecnológica de León |
Transforming landscapes: Effects of residential tourism on the urban and natural sustainability of the La Sabana river area, Acapulco, Mexico NIÑO-GUTIÉRREZ, Naú Silverio, NIÑO-CASTILLO, Jacob Elías and NIÑO-CASTILLO, Isaías Naú Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, Mexico |