Competitive impact between OXXO chain and grocery stores in the Guadalajara metropolitan area COTA-YÁÑEZ, Rosario & GONZÁLEZ-RICARDO, Ramírez Universidad de Guadalajara |
Ghost companies and their relationship with money laundering, a corruption problem that attacks the Ecuadorian tax system JARA-MALLA, Genesis Mishel, SALINAS-CHICA, Pamela Katherine and ORELLANA-ULLOA, Milca Naara Universidad Técnica de Machala |
Inventory program in a storage plant warehouse with financial methodology physical control of inventories BLEN, Erick, HUESCA, Laura and GUTIÉRREZ, Francisco Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Martínez de la Torre |
Impact of gasoline prices on the economy of the academic staff of civil engineering, of the Coatzacoalcos region Engineering Faculty, of the Universidad Veracruzana MENDOZA-GONZÁLEZ, Felipe, CÓRDOVA-ESCOBEDO, Jesús Fausto, GOMEZ-RODRIGUEZ, Cristian and LÓPEZ-LIÉVANO, Adolfo Universidad Veracruzana |