Journal of Business and SMEs
Volumen 10 Número 25 - Junuary - June 2024
Evolution of micro and SME's innovating senior management supply chains
Vázquez-Valerio, Gabriel Adrián, Cortés-Hernández, Patricia, Pecina-Rivas, Erika María and Cuellar-Orozco, Armando Tecnológico Nacional de México - Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Cuautitlán Izcalli
Customer loyalty and retention. A marketing strategy based on the creation of promotional content and its effect on the consumer through the relationship with influencers
Ruíz-Valdés, Susana, Ruíz-Tapia, Juan Alberto and Cruz-Solís, Ivette del Rosario Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Partial Administrative Audit of the human resources area of an artisan bakery in the State of Veracruz
Solorzano-Rios, María Judith, Balderrabano-Briones, Jazmín, Díaz-Azamar, Álvaro and Rojas-Alonzo, John Henry Tecnológico Nacional de México - Instituto Tecnológico de San Juan del Río
Quality and customer loyalty in the port services of Manzanillo
Reyes-Real, Oscar Bernardo, Osegueda-Rodríguez, Rubí, Amezcua-Vivaz, José de Jesús Universidad de Colima
Journal of Research and Development, Volume 5, Number 16, December-2019, is a quarterly Journal edited by ECORFAN-Spain. Matacerquillas Street 38, CP: 28411. Moralzarzal-Madrid. WEB:, Editor in Chief: Ramos Escamilla-María, Co-Editor: Miranda García-Marta, PhD. ISSN 2444-4987. Responsible for the last update of this issue ECORFAN Computer Unit. Escamilla Bouchán-Imelda, Luna Soto-Vladimir, updated to December 31, 2019. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor of the publication. It is strictly forbidden the total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication without permission from the Spanish Center for Science and Technology