Journal of Business and SMEs
Volumen 7 Número 20 - July - December 2021

Accounting processes and their impact on the profitability of companies

QUEZADA-PACHECO, Vanessa Mariuxi, SOTO-AGUILAR, María Magdalena and ORELLANA-ULLOA, Milca Naara Universidad Técnica de Machala


Administrative audit tool as support for the ISO 27001 standard towards managing the quality of information in SMSEs, 2021

RUÍZ-TAPIA, Juan Alberto, RUÍZ-VALDÉS, Susana, CRUZ-SOLÍS, Ivett del Rosario and ALCÁNTARA-CRUZ, Félix Héctor Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


Diagnosis of financing capacities in companies in the food sector dedicated to the production of dairy products in the South of Sonora

RUIZ-PÉREZ, Roberto, LANDAZURI-AGUILERA, Yara, MORENO-MILLANES, María Dolores and FIGUEROA-MENDIVIL, Daniela Saraí Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora


Disparities in Oaxaca's economic development: a regionalization proposal

CHÁVEZ-SARMIENTO, Christian, RÍOS-CASTILLO, Maricela, MIGUEL-VELASCO, Andrés E. and CASTILLO-LEAL, Maricela Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca

