Essential exporting competences for manufacturing Firms In Michoacan, Mexico MOLINA-MARTÍNEZ, Rubén & CALDERÓN-GUTIÉRREZ, Argelia |
Methodology for Financial Physical Control of Inventories – MFPCI BLEN, Erick, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Martínez de la Torre |
Resources and capabilities that determine the competitive success of a shoe company in Ticul, Yucatán CARRILLO-CÁMARA, Adriana del Rosario, MORALES-GONZÁLEZ, María Antonia and CANTO-ESQUIVEL, Ana María |
Strategies to diminish the rotation of personal, case of study in the hotel sector OLGUÍN-RAMOS, Anahy, MARTÍNEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Mariela Lizeth and BAUTISTA-LÓPEZ, Braulio |