Numerical modeling of the behavior of a lithium battery after a collision FLORES-LÓPEZ, Holbein Eli, LÓPEZ-GARCÍA, Claudio and SANTIAGO-AMAYA, Jorge
Use of a smartwatch for home blood pressure measurement MEX-ÁLVAREZ, Rafael Manuel de Jesús, GUILLEN-MORALES, María Magali, YANEZ-NAVA, David and NOVELO-PÉREZ, María Isabel
Strain localization instability in seafloor spreading centers of the Carmen Basin, southern Gulf of California JULIÁ-MIRALLES, Marc, YARBUH, Ismael, SPELZ, Ronald M. and NEGRETE-ARANDA, Raquel
Design of a two-stage air monitoring and filtration system for implementation in enclosed spaces HERNÁNDEZ-SÁNCHEZ, Uriel Alejandro†*, VÁZQUEZ-ROSAS, Sergio, CABALLERO-LÓPEZ, Emma Isabel and FLORES-SÁNCHEZ, Verónica