Analysis of wear for a base Steel 5% Cr, applying 392 N of load and variable speed of 0.18 m/s, 0.36 m/s and 0.54 m/s, using the T05 Block-on-ring wear tester machine OROZCO-GARCÍA, Calvin Jacob, SERVIN-CASTAÑEDA, Rumualdo, SAN MIGUEL-IZA, Sandra María and GONZÁLEZ-ZARAZUA, Roberto Aldo
Design process for dual coplanar waveguide directional couplers for power transmission CASTAÑEDA-IBARRA, Víctor R., CISNEROS-SINENCIO, Luis F., GARCÍA-VITE, Pedro M. and CASTILLO-GUTIÉRREZ, Rafael
Assessment of an organic Rankine cycle and a Kalina cycle for a single source of low-enthalpy geothermal heat VERA-ROMERO, Iván, MARTÍNEZ-REYES, José and MÉNDEZ-ÁBREGO, V. Manuel
Design and automation of an electrospinning system to prepare micro and nanofibers. Case study: elaboration of polymeric micro and nanofibers for vaginal drug delivery MARTÍNEZ-PÉREZ, Beatriz, OLIVANO-ESQUIVEL, Ana Daniela, FERNÁNDEZ-RETANA, Jorge and VIDAL-ROMERO, Gustavo