Revista de Ingeniería Mecánica
Volumen 4 Número 14 - July – Decemer 2020

Simulation of the cooling process between 16 and 19 fin liners of a sedan automobile

CERRITO-TOVAR, Iván de Jesús, GARCÍA-DUARTE, Oscar Enrique, HUERTA-GÁMEZ, Héctor and CERRITO-GONZÁLEZ, Neftali Carolina Universidad Politécnica de Juventino Rosas


Analysis of the operation processes and application of optimization tools to improve the productivity of operations in an Automotive Service Center

MARCIAL-OLALDE, Ana Delia & GARCIA-DUARTE, Oscar Enrique Universidad Politécnica de Juventino Rosas


Design methodology applied in piston testing device

José Luis, Ramírez-Cruz, Homero, Jiménez-Rabiela, Benjamín, Vázquez-González, Pedro, García-Segura Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana


Transformation of a Sedan car (volkswagen) to hybrid and fully electric

Juan Manuel, Chavez Mendoza Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez

