Instructions for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Publication

Knowledge Area

The works must be unpublished and refer to topics of
pumps and equipment for handling liquids, bearings, air compressors, gears, cooling equipment, mechanical power transmission equipment, pneumatic equipment, equipment and industrial machinery, agricultural machinery, oil extraction machinery, printing and reproduction machinery, mining machinery, hydraulic machinery, specialized industrial machinery, nuclear machinery, paper making machinery, machinery for the food industry, machinery for material handling, textile machinery, steam machinery, vending machines and distributors, machines, tools and accessories , heating material, construction material, dies, templates and gauges, internal combustion engines (general), gas engines, mechanized operations and other topics related to Engineering and Technology.

1. Template

2. ID-Researcher

3. Conflict of interest format, Assignment of rights and distribution

Intellectual Property Requirements for editing:

-Authentic Signature in Blue Color of the Originality Format Author and Coauthors

-Authentic Signature in Blue Color of the Acceptance Format of Author and Coauthors