Market research for internet sale´s in the municipality of Landa de Matamoros, Querétaro MORADO-HUERTA, Ma. Guadalupe, IBARRA-PÉREZ, Juan, SOTO-SEVILLA, Sergio and MARROQUÍN-DE JESÚS, Ángel Universidad Tecnológica de San Juan del Río |
Digitalization and its impact on operational efficiency, competitiveness, and growth: MEFE-MEFI strategic analysis of the department of economic-administrative sciences at the Instituto Tecnológico de Nuevo León RÍOS-CASTILLO, Maricela, HERNÁNDEZ SALDÍVAR, Elisa, DELGADO-TORRES, Claudia Lizethe and DELGADO-TORRES, Laura Patricia Tecnológico Nacional de México - Instituto Tecnológico de Nuevo León |
Assessment of the sustainability of the coffee production system in the south sierra coast of Oaxaca SALAZAR-VELASCO, Marlen Yadira, CASTAÑEDA-HIDALGO, Ernesto, LÓPEZ-VAZQUEZ, Esteban and MIGUEL-VELASCO, Andrés Enrique Tecnológico Nacional de México - Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca |
Analysis of the competitiveness of MSMEs in the trade sector of the San Martín Texmelucan Region, for the establishment of financial strategies AGUILAR-PÉREZ, Esmeralda Tecnológico Nacional de México |