Journal of Teaching and Educational Research
Vol. 10 N. 25 - January-December 2024
The instructor’s role in designing the methodological strategy for research in music
Juan-Carvajal, Dargen Tania, Juan-Carvajal, Mara Lioba, Rodríguez-Juan, Arién and Vdovina, María


Analysis of learning strategies for subjects of the generic structure of the industrial engineering degree, in a higher education institution in Villahermosa Tabasco
Morejón-Sánchez, Juana María, Javier-Gerónimo, Zinath, Sierra-Morejón, José Luis and Abid-Becerra, Marco Antonio


Distributed educational leadership and collaborative intelligence to promote continuous improvement in public universities of Mexico
Granados-Magaña, Javier Alejandro, Félix-Pérez, Sirigui Garibeth, Gómez-Campos, Sinahí Gabriela and Barbosa-Gutiérrez, Iris Chantal


Gender assessment of teaching work during the pandemic lockdown. The case of a higher education institution in southeastern Mexico
Santos-Valencia, Raúl Alberto, Bacab-Sanchez, José Rubén, Sanchez-Monroy, Miriam and Perez-Rodríguez, Blanca Yamily


Smart cephalic system for the inclusion of people with sensory disabilities
Mendoza-Razo, Juan Arturo, Martínez-Torres, Rosa Elia, Naquid-Maya, Luis Antonio and Rosales -Rubio, Isaac
Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí

