Methodology for teaching programming: Integrating best practices in the teaching and learning process with undergraduate students TOLANO-GUTIERREZ, Helga Karina, AMAVIZCA-VALDEZ, Laura Olivia, PORTELA- PEÑUÑURI, Luis Tadeo and VAZQUEZ-BRINDIS, Juan Carlos. Universidad Tecnológica del Sur de Sonora |
Socioepistemology and mathematical culture in the training and performance of high school math teachers MARTINEZ-ACOSTA, María Teresa, SÁNCHEZ-LUJÁN, Bertha Ivonne and CAMACHO-RÍOS, Alberto Tecnológico Nacional de México: campus Cd. JiménezCentro de Investigación y Docencia (CID) Tecnológico Nacional de México: campus Chihuahua II |
Achievements in the formation of competences of the postgraduate in agroforestry for sustainable development ÁLVAREZ-SÁNCHEZ, María Edna & MALDONADO-TORRES, Ranferi Universidad Autónoma Chapingo |
The benefits of educational intervention in the school context GAUCÍN-PIEDRA, Guadalupe Maravilla, CEJAS-LEYVA, Luz María, FERNÁNDEZ-MOJICA, Leticia and BERUMEN-RUVALCABA, Reyna Angélica Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango |