Journal of Teaching and Educational Research
Vol. 6 N. 18 - January - June 2020

The motivation to study of the student in security sciences and forensic sciences

LUCIO, Rodolfo & SESENTO, Leticia


Validity and reliability of a rubric to assess didactic lesson planning of preservice teachers

BRITO-LARA, Maribel, LÓPEZ-LOYA, José and TOBÓN, Sergio
Escuela Normal Superior Oficial de Guanajuato
Servicios Educativos del Estado de Chihuahua
Centro Universitario CIFE.


Learning strategies mediated by technology: students’ perception

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


Tutoring fundamental tool for university students

PONCE-CONTRERAS, María Guadalupe, GONZÁLEZ-ÁLVAREZ, Mireya del Carmen, PÉREZ-BRIONES, Nancy Griselda and TELLO-GARCÍA, María Ascención
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

