State of the art in the optimization of physico-chemical operating parameters of hydrodynamic cavitation reactors for the production of FAME TEJEDA-DEL CUETO, María Elena, BAEZ-MUÑOZ, José Luis, VIDAL-SANTOS, Adrián and NARVAEZ-MARTINEZ, Esther Guadalupe |
Recovery of the silver contained in the radiographic plates using natural antioxidants from vegetables as reducing agents MELÉNDEZ-BALBUENA, Lidia |
Ocean wave propagation through cylindrical elements in intermediate depths CHÁVEZ-CÁRDENAS, Xavier & GONZÁLEZ-BRIONES, Antonio |
Effect of deposition time on the zinc nanowires growth on steel substrates ESTRADA-MARTÍNEZ, Fortino Fabián, MELO-MÁXIMO, Dulce Viridiana, VEGA-MORON, Roberto Carlos and HERNÁNDEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, Celia Massiel |