Journal of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources

Volume 7 Issue 20 - July - December 2021

Influence of the LED (Ligth Emitted Diode) ligthing spectrum in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) germination stage

BAUTISTA-RAMÍREZ Agustina, PÉREZ-JIMÉNEZ Genaro, MARTINEZ-RUIZ, Antonio and QUINTANAR-OLGUIN, Juan Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias


Content of anthocyanins of seed of Phaseolus vulgaris

MEX-ÁLVAREZ, Rafael Manuel de Jesús, GARMA-QUEN, Patricia Margarita, GUILLEN-MORALES, María Magali and NOVELO-PÉREZ, María Isabel Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


Physicochemical analysis in Averrhoa carambola L., var. Golden star and Arkin, in two post-harvest periods

TEMORES-RAMÍREZ, Cynthia Guadalupe, GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ, Miguel Ángel, MÉNDEZ-MORÁN, Lucila and ZAÑUDO-HERNÁNDEZ, Julia Universidad de Guadalajara


Noninvasive thermographic evaluation of the thermal condition of piglets in the first month of life

RAMÍREZ-DE LA TORRE, Hugo, SANCHEZ-CHIPRES, David Román, MORENO-LLAMAS, Gabriel and JIMÉNEZ-CORDERO, Ángel Andrés Universidad de Guadalajara

