Revista de Gestión Universitaria
Volumen 6 Número 15 - January - June 2022

Digital competencies and their use in teaching activities at the higher education level

BACAB-SANCHEZ, José R., CHI-CHAN, María Teresita de Jesús, LÓPEZ-PONCE, María Eugenia and VELAZQUEZ-CHE, Briceyra Guadalupe Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Calkiní


The working conditions of university students in post-pandemic situations

YAÑEZ-FLORES, Sara Margarita, SALINAS-AGUIRRE, María del Consuelo, CHARLES-MEZA, Ángel Gerardo and GONZÁLEZ-MARTÍNEZ, Karina Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila


University research management models: a literature review

ALONSO-CALPEÑO, Mariela Juana & PÉREZ-JIMÉNEZ, Carlos Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Atlixco
Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla


SDG 4: towards an inclusive education from international guidelines and public policies in Mexico

MARTÍ-REYES, Mireya Universidad de Guanajuato

