Labor insertion from the perspective of university students: the current panorama of recently graduated alumni with social service and internship in covid confinement times PÉREZ-DÍAZ, Luis Gustavo, IRETA-LOPEZ, Hugo and GÓNZALES-LÓPEZ, Olga Yeri |
Evaluation of the perception of a virtual learning object with activities to promote study habits in the subject of differential calculus ARREDONDO-SALCEDO, Daniel†*, MIRELES-MEDINA, Antonia and MOLINA-WONG, Ma. del Refugio |
Gender: learning styles SÁNCHEZ-RIVERA, Lilia, ESPERICUETA-MEDINA, Marta Nieves, RAMOS-JAUBERT, Rocío Isabel and SOLÍS-RANGEL, EmmanuelUniversidad Autónoma de Coahuila |
Project development with STEM features MONTECILLO-PUENTE, Francisco JavierTecnológico Nacional de México campus Salvatierra Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Salvatierra ITESS |