Revista de Ciencias de la Educación
Volumen 7 Número 18 - Julio - Diciembre 2023

The importance of the knowledges from different kind of learnings of computer engineering students and strategies applied by professors from TecNM Tizimín Campus

ESTRELLA-OJEDA, Abel Abraham, BIANCHI-ROSADO, Víctor Manuel, PUMARES-CHAB, Argelia Concepción and MATÚ-SANSORES, Mariano de Jesús Tecnológico Nacional de México – Instituto Tecnológico de Tizimín


Assertively in university higher technician and engineering students

ALONSO-ALDANA, Ruth, FLORES-REYES, Alfonso, JIMÉNEZ-CALVO, María de Lourdes and BALLESTEROS-AUREOLES, Alejandra Universidad Tecnológica del Sur de Sonora
Universidad Tecnológica de Nezahualcóyotl


The impact of bullying in higher education

GARCÍA-CONTRERAS, Laura Patricia, GONZÁLEZ-RUVALCABA, Martha Carolina and RAMÍREZ-CERECERO, José Ricardo Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila


Emotions in the classroom: exploring the relationship between emotional development and learning

ESPERICUETA-MEDINA Marta Nieves, SÁNCHEZ-RIVERA Lilia, VILLARREAL-SOTO, Blanca Margarita and RODRIGUEZ-GRAJEDA, Tania Marina Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

