Journal - Republic of Nicaragua
Volume 10, Issue 18 - Junuary - December 2024

Building the future: Innovation and peace at the Autonomous University of Campeche

Niño-Gutiérrez, Naú Silverio and Valencia-Gutiérrez, Marvel del Carmen
Autonomous University of Guerrero

Autonomous University of Campeche


Detection of training needs for university teachers in the Area of Economic-Administrative Sciences: A study at the Autonomous University of Nayarit

Gómez-Campos, Sinahí Gabriela, Félix-Pérez, Sirigui Garibeth, Granados-Magaña, Javier Alejandro and Maldonado-Bernal, Mónica del Rocío
Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit


Promoting gender equality through experiments with water rockets in distance physics class between the Technological University of Jalisco, Mexico and the Technological University of Bolívar, Colombia

Barrón-Balderas, Juan José, Ojeda-Caicedo, Vilma Viviana and Fausto-Lepe, Gabriela Margarita
Universidad Tecnológica de Jalisco

Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar


Students’ perceptions towards blended learning modality after COVID-19 pandemic: a case study á

Flores-González, Norma, Flores-González, Efigenia, Castelán Flores, Vianey and Zamora Hernández, Mónica
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


The growth exponential of the earthworm red Californian (Eisenia foetida) on a substrate of organic waste

García-García, Damaris Carmen, Hernández-García, Cintia Elí and Diez-Barroso-Agroz, Allan Ronier
Polytechnic University of the Valley of Mexico


Quantification of heavy metals in agricultural soil of Lampotal Vetagrande Zacatecas

Hernández-Salas, Claudia, Olarte-Saucedo, Maricela, Moreno-Longoria, Julieta and Orta-Martínez, Felipe
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas "Francisco García Salinas"

