ECORFAN Journal - Republic of Colombia. Vol. 10 Num. 18 Junuary - December 2024


Integrating sustainability into teaching and research practice at a higher education institution: A holistic approach
Hernández-Ayón, Francisco Javier, Figueroa-Verde, Brenda, Arvizu-Narváez, Ana Carolina and Navarrete-Méndez, Adrián.
Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
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Developing 21st century skills: A proposal for a didactic sequence with a STEAM approach and active methodologies for basic education students in the Mexican Southeast
Trejo-Trejo, Gilberto Abelino, Domínguez-Gutú, Jesús, Gordillo-Espinoza, Emmanuel and Constantino-González, Fernando Exiquio
Universidad Tecnológica de la Selva
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The importance of Netnography as a research Methodology
Chávez-Morales, Ignacio, Lino-Gamiño, Juan Alfredo, Chávez-López, Pedro Jacob and Moreno-Meza, Rocío de Jesús
Universidad de Colima
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Emotional intelligence and Locus of control in college students
Coronado-Sauceda, Angelyn, Bojórquez-Díaz, Cecilia Ivonne, Quintana-López, Víctor Alexander and Sotelo-Castillo, Mirsha Alicia
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
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Hardy personality and burnout in diving judges
Ponce-Carbajal, Nancy, Ramirez-Nava, Rubén, Jaenes-Sanchez, José Carlos and Sosa-Aldape, Blanca Lilia
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
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Generation of knowledge for the intervention of community integration projects and recognition of diversity, proposed in the plans and programs of the New Mexican School in Multigrade Primary Schools
Zea-Verdín, Aldo Asunción, Guzmán-Álvarez, Alejandra and Castellón-Lepe, Alma Jazmín
Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit
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