Study methods and learning styles of higher education students SÁNCHEZ-RIVERA, Lilia, ESPERICUETA-MEDINA, Marta Nieves, RAMOS-JAUBERT, Rocio and LUNA-ESPERICUETA, Samantha Sarahí Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila |
Teaching competencies for teaching English and French in a virtual modality FLORES-GONZÁLEZ, Norma, ZAMORA-HERNÁNDEZ, Mónica, CASTELAN-FLORES, Vianey and FLORES-GONZÁLEZ, Efigenia Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla |
Systematic review: systematization of information in accreditation processes for academic programs RIVERA-GUTIÉRREZ, Erika & HIGUERA-ZIMBRÓN, Alejandro |
Experimental teaching of the subjects of the energy area of the study plan of the mechanical electrical engineering career of the FES Cuautitlan HERNÁNDEZ-GÓMEZ, Víctor Hugo, OLVERA-GARCÍA, Omar and GUZMAN-TINAJERO, Pedro Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |