Revista de Administración y Finanzas
Volumen 11 Número 28 - Junuary-December 2024

Quality of life in patients with Sjögren's syndrome: habits and practices in Iberoamerica. A perspective from the administration

De León-Sigg, Inés Angélica & Pérez-Veyna, Oscar
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas


Leadership and person management skills in a footwear manufacturer in the city of León, Guanajuato

Rivera-Cisneros, Miguel Angel, Franco-Bravo, Azeneth Irazú, Pérez-Flores, Angélica Josefina and Serrano-Torres, Ma. Guadalupe
Universidad Tecnológica de León


Financial Analysis in Micro and Small Businesses: Business features and their influence on financial ratios

Alcocer-Martínez, Fidel Ramón
Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


The inbaund as a tool for the marketing of a Styrofoam-based sealant

Pérez-Perez, Arely, Espinosa-Águila, Ma. Luis, Manuel-Anguiano-Carmona, Mauricio José and Flores-Ramírez, Roció Verónica
Universidad Tecnológica de Tlaxcala


Social and solidarity economy, a strategy to address the migratory need and return of Mexicans from the United States

Lara-Escamilla, Samuel, Nava-Pérez, María Teresa, López-Cortés, Ana Mónica and Hernández-Muñoz, Mónica Angélica
Instituto Tecnológico de Tlalnepantla


Customer satisfaction in their handicraft shopping experience. A study in the Camino Real de Campeche

Sosa-Dzul, Viviana de los Angeles, López-Ponce, María Eugenia and Barroso-Tanoira, Francisco Gerardo
Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Campus Calkiní

