Revista de Administración y Finanzas
Volumen 11 Número 28 - Junuary-December 2024
Quality of life in patients with Sjögren's syndrome: habits and practices in Iberoamerica. A perspective from the administration
De León-Sigg, Inés Angélica & Pérez-Veyna, Oscar Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas
Leadership and person management skills in a footwear manufacturer in the city of León, Guanajuato
Rivera-Cisneros, Miguel Angel, Franco-Bravo, Azeneth Irazú, Pérez-Flores, Angélica Josefina and Serrano-Torres, Ma. Guadalupe Universidad Tecnológica de León
Financial Analysis in Micro and Small Businesses: Business features and their influence on financial ratios
Alcocer-Martínez, Fidel Ramón Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
The inbaund as a tool for the marketing of a Styrofoam-based sealant
Pérez-Perez, Arely, Espinosa-Águila, Ma. Luis, Manuel-Anguiano-Carmona, Mauricio José and Flores-Ramírez, Roció Verónica Universidad Tecnológica de Tlaxcala
Social and solidarity economy, a strategy to address the migratory need and return of Mexicans from the United States
Lara-Escamilla, Samuel, Nava-Pérez, María Teresa, López-Cortés, Ana Mónica and Hernández-Muñoz, Mónica Angélica Instituto Tecnológico de Tlalnepantla
Customer satisfaction in their handicraft shopping experience. A study in the Camino Real de Campeche
Sosa-Dzul, Viviana de los Angeles, López-Ponce, María Eugenia and Barroso-Tanoira, Francisco Gerardo Tecnológico Nacional de México/ITS Campus Calkiní
Journal of Administration and Finance, Volume 6, Number 19, December-2019, is a quarterly Journal edited by ECORFAN-Bolivia.
Santa Lucia N-21, Barrio Libertadores, Cd. Sucre. Chuquisaca, Bolivia,,
Editor in Chief: Ramos Escamilla-María, Co-editor: Serrudo González-Javier. ISSN: 2410-342X. Responsible for the last update of this issue ECORFAN Computer Unit. Imelda Escamilla Bouchán, PhD.
Vladimir Luna Soto, PhD. Updated as of December 31, 2019. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher of the publication. It is strictly forbidden
the total or partial reproduction of the contents and images of the publication without permission of the National Institute of Copyright.