Journal of Quantitative and Statistical Analysis
Volume 7 Number 20 - January - June 2020

Clustering in data mining: CJ and K-Medias applied to an opinion survey on bullying at the UTNA

Sandra Maria, San Miguel-Iza, Roberto Aldo, Gonzalez-Zarazua, Jose Alfredo, Camacho-Garcia, Francisco Javier, Martinez-Falcon Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
Centro Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías Limpias
Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca


Labor market of the agroindustrial engineer of the BUAP and professional competences of the TSU in food processes of the UTP

Juan, Manjarrez, Héctor, Bernal Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla


Determination of critical success factors for just-in-time implementation: factor analysis

Denisse, Rivera, Lizeth, Rivera, Angeles, Holtzmeimer, Lorena, Chavez
Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla


Identification of the level of industrial automation in the productive environment of the Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez: methodology and results

Leticia, Hernández, Carlos, Hernández, Liliana, Pérez, Oscar, Carrillo
Universidad Tecnológica Fidel Velázquez, México.

