Journal of Quantitative and Statistical Analysis
Volume 11 Number 28 - Junuary-December 2024
Evaluation of the grinding performance at the Saucito I Plant and optimization of the Knelson QS30 gravimetric concentrator
Contreras-Pimentel, Luís Ángel, Nájera-López, Aimeé Nataly, Villegas-Martínez, Rodrigo Cervando and García-González, Juan Manuel


Wind speed forecasting one step ahead using different input vectors in a neural network
Cadenas, Erasmo, Méndez, Alma-Rosa, Arreola, Sixtos-Antonio and Campos, Rafael


Implementation of DMAIC Methodology in a production line of the brewing industry
Colorado-Issa, Cinthia Judith, López-Acosta, Mauricio, Chacara-Montes, Allán and García-Vilches, Susana


Estimation of lithium-ion battery state of health using an ensemble model integrated with random forest and linear regression techniques
Medina-Martínez, Sergio Iván, Juárez-Toledo, Carlos and Martínez-Carrillo, Irma


Optimization of 3D Printing Quality in Construction Applied in the field of Building in Huichapan, Hgo.
Trejo-Torres, Zaira Betzabeth, Rodríguez-Uribe, Juan Carlos and Benitez-Alonso, Margarita
Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Huichapan


Device for agile manufacturing of medical hose: solution for micro-enterprises
Mendoza-Razo, Juan Arturo, Martínez-Torres, Rosa Elia, De León-Lomelí, Roxana and Acuña-Mancilla, Arturo
Instituto Tecnológico de San Luis Potosí

