Effect of the operating conditions on the particle size distribution by the suspension polymerization process. RODRÍGUEZ-PIZANO, José Josué, GRANADOS-RIVERA, Laura Edith, HERNÁNDEZ-ESCOTO, Héctor and CONTRERAS-LÓPEZ, David niversidad de Guanajuato. Depto. de Ingeniería Química |
Graphene oxide used for detection devices of artificial sweeteners not regulated in the food industry. GALINDO-GONZÁLEZ, Rosario, ULLOA-VAZQUEZ, Talina1, HERRASTI, Pilar2, FUENTES-RAMÍREZ, Rosalba |
Influence of NaCl on the polymerization of vinyl monomers by the suspension process. MONTERO, Erika, CONTRERAS-LOPEZ, David, FUENTES, Rosalba and GALINDO, María Del Rosario Universidad de Guanajuato. Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas |
Nanocristal and ferrite numerical comparison for high frequency and low power electronic converters. CASTILLO, Ibsan, PEREZ, Francisco, RODRIGUEZ, Martin, CAMINO, Pedro and FRANCO, Carlos Celaya Insitute of Technology - Grupo SSC |