Instructions for authors

A. Submission of papers to the areas of analysis and modeling problems of the current international society.

B. The edition of the paper should meet the following characteristics:

  • Written in English. It is mandatory to submit the title and abstract as well as keywords.Indicating the institution of affiliation of each author, email and full postal address and identify the researcher and the first author is responsible for communication to the editor.
  • Print text in Times New Roman #12 (shares-Bold) and italic (subtitles-Bold) # 12 (text) and #9 (in quotes foot notes), justified in Word format. With margins 2 cm by 2 cm left-right and 2 cm by 2 cm Top-Bottom. With 2-column format.
  • Use Calibre Math typography (in equations), with subsequent numbering and alignment right: Example;
  • σϵ∑:Hσ=⋂_(s<σ)Hs                                               (1)
  • Start with an introduction that explains the issue and end with a concluding section.
  • - Items are reviewed by members of the Editorial Committee and two anonymous. The ruling is final in all cases. After notification of the acceptance or rejection of a job, final acceptance will besubject to compliance with changes in style, form and content that the publisher has informed the authors. The authors are responsible for the content of the work and the correct use of the references cited in them. The journal reserves the right to make editorial changes required to adapt the text to our editorial policy.

C. Items can be prepared by self or sponsored by educational institutions and business. The manuscript assessment process will comprise no more than twenty days from the date of receipt.

D. The identification of authorship should appear in a first page only removable in order to ensure that the selection process is anonymous.

E. Charts, graphs and figures support must meet the following:

  • Should be self-explanatory (without resorting to text forunderstanding), not including abbreviations, clearly indicating the title and reference source with reference down with left alignment number 9 with bold typography.
  • All materials will support gray scale and maximum size of 8 cm wide by 23 cm tall or less size, and contain all content editable.
  • Tables should be simple and present relevant information. Prototype;

F. References are included at the end of the document, all its components will be separated by a comma and must the following order:

  • Articles: Kejun, Z. (2012). Feedback Control Methods for a New Hyperchaotic System. Journal of Information & Computational Science, No.9. Pp :231-237.
  • Books: Barnsley, M. (1993). Fractals Everywhere. Academic Press. San Diego.
  • WEB Resources:, see: (August, 16-2012)

The list of references should correspond to the citations in the document.

G. The notes to footnotes, which should be used and only to provide essential information.

H. Upon acceptance of the article in its final version, the magazine tests sent to the author for review. ECORFAN only accept the correction of typos and errors or omissions from the process of editing the journal fully reserving copyright and dissemination of content. Not acceptable deletions, substitutions or additions which alter the formation of the article. The author will have a maximum of 10 calendar days for the review. Otherwise, it is considered that the author (s) is (are) in accordance with the changes made.

I.Append formats Originality and Authorization, identifying the article, author (s) and the signature, so it is understood that this article is not running for simultaneous publication in other journals or publishing organs.